Monday, December 20, 2010

Sub sector analysis

It was very good to listen to the presentations of fellows on their sub sector analysis study and on the logic of a organization to intervene in the project area, according to fellows after this they came to know how does the organization work with internal and external environment and how does it works on the portfolio of the people with whom they plan to work, how they plan strategically to use the internal and external resource.The teams which did study on products (sub sector analysis) was very interesting. They were able to explain the channels through which product enters the market and the players who enters the market with their own value additions to the existing product. What is their profit range, how much the person is getting who is really involved in the production process. and how the wholesalers are able to make more money easily out of that etc..
If they want to start and enterprise or a organization where they find their intervene point. Really the field experience they shared was enough to explain their learnings.


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